Amber Whitt

A Quantum Reiki Practitioner Cancer Survivor Healer Mindset Coach Inspirational Motivator Licensed Esthetician Business Developer Creator Small Business Owner Animal Rescuer

About Me

Amber is a devoted wife, loving mom, and owns multiple businesses as the creator & CEO. She has received several awards over the years for her excellence in business development, communication, marketing, strategizing, and sales.

Amber left the corporate world and started her residential cleaning company from the ground up in 2010, and it has grown exponentially. Amber not only helps her clients remove old energies and clear space from their homes, but also personally and physically through her energy & sound healing practice, along with hosting retreats with her mentor.

Amber enjoys helping and supporting others all over the world in many ways, from distance reiki, to sound healing, chakra cleansing, guided meditations, coaching sessions- and more. She believes wellness begins within oneself and has done a tremendous amount of inner work to help heal herself and to help guide others on their journey inwards to self-discovery and awareness. She is always a work in progress, progress over perfection.

Amber is a breast cancer survivor. She shares her inspiring story of being diagnosed at a young age, with a new baby at home, shortly after starting her business. She shares how her mindset and positive mojo played such an important role. The book is titled, Dear Younger Self, on Amazon.

In her down time Amber really loves the outdoors; hiking, kayaking, swimming, boating, floating down the river and spending time with her family and friends. Her husband and daughter are her two very best friends. Nature is her sweet spot!

She loves to travel, exercise, meditate, practice sound and energy healing daily, read, and learn. She enjoys playing and nestling with her 2 rescue dogs (anyone's dogs really- she’s an animal LOVER and is named the “Animal Whisperer” by friends and neighbors).

Amber loves to speak at intimate and larger events. Her enthusiastic approach to business, mental & physical health, life and personal development makes her a wealth of knowledge on many levels. She’s a highly motivated person who loves to dream big in all areas of her life!

My Book

Dear Younger Self

This book showcases 30 stories of inspiration, courage, resilience and strength from people all over the world and all walks of life. Dear Younger Self is a book that will captivate its readers, offers you hope, and breathes life back into you. The honesty and vulnerability that this book holds will leave you feeling uplifted and empowered. This book is perfect for anyone who is going through a tough time, trying to find your way, seeking guidance, looking for answers and helping you know that you're not alone in anything you're facing. These stories are powerful, raw and triumphant.

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  • What is Reiki

    Focused energy healing.

    Reiki is a form of energy healing that is based on the belief that energy flows through the body, and that a practitioner can channel this energy to promote relaxation and healing. Reiki practitioners use their hands to channel this energy, which they believe can reduce stress, anxiety, fatigue, and other physical and emotional issues. Reiki treatments can be done in person or remotely, and typically involve the practitioner placing their hands on or just above the person's body in order to channel the energy. During a Reiki session, the practitioner may also use certain symbols and mantras that they believe can guide the energy to the person's body. The goal of a Reiki session is to restore balance and harmony to the body's natural life-force energy, and to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    Quantum Reiki is a deeper form of Reiki that goes beyond traditional Reiki, incorporating principles from quantum physics. Quantum Reiki works on a multi-dimensional level, allowing the practitioner to access a deeper level of healing and transformation. Quantum Reiki practitioners work with energy to clear and balance the energy body, restore balance and harmony, and help to bring clarity and healing to the body, mind, and spirit.

  • Benefits of Reiki

    Reduced stress and increased relaxation.

    Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. It is believed to balance the body's energy system, stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, reduce physical and emotional pain, and promote overall wellness. Reiki helps to restore physical, emotional and spiritual balance, and can be used to treat a wide variety of health conditions.

    Some of the potential benefits of Reiki energy healing include:
    • Improved mood and reduced stress and anxiety
    • Improved sleep and reduced insomnia symptoms
    • Increased energy levels and improved vitality
    • Reduced pain and inflammation
    • Improved concentration and focus
    • Reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety
    • Improved circulation and detoxification
    • Strengthened immune system
    • Reduced side effects of chemotherapy and other treatments
    • Improved self-confidence and self-awareness
    • Enhanced spiritual connection and development

  • Reiki Treatments

    Deep sense of relaxation and peace.

    Reiki is a form of energy healing that has its roots in Japanese culture. It involves the practitioner placing their hands on or near the body of the recipient to channel healing energy. Reiki has been used to help reduce physical and emotional pain, anxiety, stress, and to promote relaxation and well-being.

    During a Reiki treatment, the practitioner will typically place their hands on or near the body of the recipient in a series of hand positions. These positions are usually held for a few minutes each, and the practitioner will move their hands over the body as they go. As the practitioner channels the healing energy, they may also verbally offer words of encouragement and support.

    At the end of the treatment, the recipient may experience a deep sense of relaxation and peace. Some people may also feel a sense of emotional release, as if a burden has been lifted. It is important to note that while some effects of the treatment may be experienced immediately, Reiki is a cumulative process, with each session building on the one before it.

  • Chakras

    Seven main energy centers in the body.

    Sanskrit word meaning wheel or cycle. In Hinduism and Buddhism, chakras refer to the seven main energy centers in the body, which are located along the spine from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These energy centers are believed to be spinning disks of energy that should remain open and aligned in order for a person to be healthy and balanced. Each chakra is associated with a specific color, element, emotion, and even a part of the body.

    Chakra cleansing
    Spiritual practice that involves clearing and balancing the chakras, or energy centers, of the body. It is believed that when these energy centers are blocked, they can cause physical, emotional, and mental issues. Chakra cleansing can be done through various methods, such as meditation, visualization, yoga, chanting, and the use of crystals. The goal of chakra cleansing is to release any negative energy and to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit.

    Chakra balancing
    A form of energy healing that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras. When we talk about treating chakras we are referring to the process of clearing blockages and restoring balance and flow to the energy centers. Chakras are believed to be the focal points in the body that regulate energy, and when they are in balance, it is thought to bring about physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The seven main chakras are: the root chakra (Muladhara), sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), solar plexus chakra (Manipura), heart chakra (Anahata), throat chakra (Vishuddha), third eye chakra (Ajna) and crown chakra (Sahasrara).

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